Getting you First 1000 Snapchat Followers

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It is crazy how far people go to become social media famous. But if you can’t post nudes every day or spend lots of cash buying snapchat followers, you are better off building your following one step at a time. The first one thousand followers can come easily if you follow the following steps. First, visit Reddit and submit your snapchat details on their snapchatsubreddit category. Use this medium to tell people why they need to follow you. Give them your crucial details, your age and what you do on the social network.

Once the reddit methods starts to bring in a few followers, Post your snap code onto the Internet. Remember the code you get while registering on the network; post it somewhere in your blog or at least on twitter. Don’t post it in random web pages; post it somewhere it can attract followers you will love interacting with. Finally, if you have friends on snapchat with thousands of followers, tell them to give you shout outs often.